What is Yakutia known for? Its cold, giant territory, and its diamonds. The formation of the diamond mining industry contributed to the improvement of the infrastructure of Yakutia. But it is hard to deny that industrial enterprises pollute the natural environment.
The large-scale development of diamond deposits in the Mirninsky District of Yakutia in the middle of the 20th century required a large amount of electricity, so the construction of the Vilyui Hydroelectric Station began in parallel. While creating the Vilyui Reservoir, part of the territory was flooded, including the Tuoi-Khaia Village with a population of 500 people. More than 500 residents were left homeless, cut off from their homes, their trade, and their occupations. The people of the village had to be relocated to other villages of the Mirninsky District.
During the resettlement, the authorities promised comfortable housing, material assistance, and monetary compensation in the new place. But they received nothing.